We are a part of the open source community and appreciate any help that the folks around the globe can provide. Please participate in any of the following ways that you can by;

  • Evaluating and testing the AntiPrism releases. Please download and try our software, and give your feedback by joyning our forums or emailing to antiprism@antiprism.ca.
  • Don't be shy to ask questions if you need help - this will help us to make our offerings even more user-friendly.
  • If you have any suggestions or feature requests, let us know.
  • Participate in the localization of AntiPrism and its website to other languages. To do that, download the English resource archive with instructions here.
  • If you are a developer who would like to offer some more help, you can submit your patches and code samples or participate in our development by creating a GitHub pull request to propose and collaborate on changes to our code repository.
  • If you are an investor, want to make a monetary contribution in support of our work, or have an inquiry to work on specific business related tasks and applications, please contact antiprism@antiprism.ca.

  • Help us protecting our digital freedom!